Join Us for Worship!
SUNDAY WORSHIP – December 29, 2024 –First Sunday After Christmas - Led by Pastor Adam
Ministry in Music: Perfect Fifth Brass
Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23
Message: “Make Room”
Those Serving Sunday
Ushers/Greeters: Arlene Funk and Carol Morrow
Offering Steward: Terry Vota
Junior Church: Karen Prescott
Liturgist: Colette Hucko
(note: service may take a few days to be public when searching. Use the facebook link or our video list to get to the video soon after the service)
Live Stream @ 10:00 am Sundays - Online YouTube service can be accessed on our website and choose the option for Live Stream Series for a list of available dates, the Central Highlands Facebook Page or directly by searching Central Highlands Community United Methodist Church in YouTube.
Attachments today: Worship Bulletin 12/29
This week at Central Highlands—December 19 - December 29
SUN. 12/22 Sunday School – 9 am
Worship – 10 am
MON. 12/23 Audit— 9:00 am
WED. 1/1 Happy New Year (Office Closed)
THUR. 1/2 Office Closed
SUN. 1/5 Sunday School— 9:00 am
Sunday Worship— 10:00 am
2025 Flowers– The 2025 Flower chart is out in the Lobby. Please sign up on a day that you’d like to buy flowers for the service. There is a Price Increase for the upcoming year. It’ll now be $30 per week. We’re also asking that you prepay when you sign up. When you write down the week please put the $30 in an envelope with what you’d like put in the bulletin for that week.
Shepherds- The Shepherds would like to thank everyone who baked or delivered cookies to the shut-ins. They were all very thankful. Also a big thank you to Nevin and Judy Ulery for gifting the nativity sets. It was a wonderful blessing!
Highlander- Please get your articles in for the highlander so that Phil can get it out early in January!
Elizabeth Salvation Army Kettle Drive–In the lobby please consider giving to our local Salvation Army that serves the Elizabeth and surrounding local areas. The need is great this year and the funds collected are used to assist local families with necessities like rent, utilities and food. The kettle will be in the Narthex until December 31st. If writing a check, please make payable to the Elizabeth Salvation Army. Thank you for your generosity.
2025 Servers– If you would like to help serve as a greeter or an usher next year reach out to Phil in the office so he can put you on the rotation. This also goes if you would not like to serve next year so that Phil can figure out the plan. Thank you!
Emergency Forms– In the lobby on the desk we have bright yellow emergency forms that are free for the taking. They’re designed to be placed on your refrigerator and will have all of your medical and emergency contact information in the event of an emergency.
Communion Group- We’re forming a new group to help deliver communion to our list of shut-ins. If you’d like to be involved please reach out to Karen Prescott.
Meals on Wheels is seeking some new volunteers!! Special needs are for kitchen help on Tuesdays and Fridays and also drivers for Fridays. It doesn’t need to be every week, whenever you can help is gratefully appreciated. Please contact Karen Prescott @ (412) 443-5906.
“Early Dinner” every Thursday @ 4:00 pm– a group meets at local restaurants for a time of fellowship and good food! You don’t need to attend every week but whatever your schedule permits. If you need a ride, carpooling is available. Tonight we will be meeting at Red Lobster. Please call Karen Prescott (412) 443-5906 if you plan to attend so reservations can be made. All are welcome!
We Need Help! Karen Prescott is seeking Sunday school leaders, specifically for high schoolers. If you would like to help please reach out to her or the office.
We Need Readers– We’re looking for volunteers to take about 15 minutes out of their day on a Wednesday to read to the Preschool. Please contact Karen if you have any interest.
In the Lobby– We have copies of both the Upper Room Devotional and Our Daily Bread for November-December. Please take one or reach out to the office to send one to you.
The Outreach Committee has a collection container on the desk in the Narthex!! They are collecting all plastic caps from water bottles, soda bottles, etc. These caps will be delivered to a patient of Ray Gronlund’s that will recycle for a cause. Please remember to recycle the caps—not just for charity, but for the environment!! “Tabs with a Purpose” – the Outreach Committee is collecting “tabs” from the top of soup, canned goods, beverage cans, and cat food for the Ronald McDonald House in Pittsburgh. Your TRASH gives them CASH! Please deposit them in the container in the Narthex.
Save the Date- February 10th, 2025 CHCUMC Blood Drive. If you’d like to donate please don’t donate any other place after the beginning of December.
Please keep the following members & friends and their families in prayer:
Intercessory Prayer List
(Please contact the church office if there are names to be removed or added to the prayer list. Thank you.)
Prayer & Health Concerns: Helen Markus, John Corey, Tyranee, Gary Corey, Myrna Nalepa, Ronalee Slavick, Bev James, Bev Heid, Linda Vota, Michael Vuckovich, Carolyn Svec, Joe & Joyce Newmeyer, Elaine Ross, Gary Brassart, Emily Moore, Kathy Mikesell, Cheryl Burris, Audrey Jacobs, Lois King, Jennifer Herrington, Donna Newingham, Pete Kanski, Karen Simon, Tyler Scott, Tom Bruney, Neil Casher, Kathy Nestler, Susan Kobosky, Kathy Rusz, Jamie Kanski, Jennifer, Letha, John Adams, Sandy Franks, Donna Carney, Colleen Gantt Kiger, Katrina Greene, JR Coughron, Laura, Pat Long, Heidi Bailey, Ella Heaton, Jan Leikeram, Ken Kleber, Elizabeth, Anthony, Luke, April Andrejdes, Pam Havaran, Diana Lombardo, Kevin Sas, B.J. Berich, Richard Lofgren, Chuck Puglin, Robin & Family, Keith Waltower, Nancy & Merle Shotwell, J.L. Kubinsky, Emily, Marlene Sherman, Dee Peters, Tom Coughenour, Jr., Louise Lindberg, Bobbie Lathrop, Lyric, Robin Cowell, Trudy Roman, Peg Kocak, Cheryl Gourley
Families grieving the loss of a loved one: McCullogh Family, Funk Family, Craven Family, Wise Family, Christopher Greenawalt Family (Peg Muron’s Grandson), Joseph Harbulak Family, Prescott/Wingrove/Jones Families, Ulrich Family, Howell Family, Ridge/Krol Family, Cray Family, Kubinsky/Wernke Family, Cavanaugh/Rose Family
Our homebound, nursing home and care center members: Edna Stojanovic, Jennie Carothers, Jack Mayfield, Ruth & Jack Brothers, Marie Custer, June Nock, Emily Moore, Gail Hankins
Those serving in the Military: Seth Smith, John Anderson, Bryan Bound, Zach Lepley, Frank Coulter, Jared Booth, Joseph Puharic, Christian Painter, Chris McCall, Johnny Summers, Zach Trunzo, Tyberius Ten, William Remaley